
Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Turkey Shaped Pancakes

Want to make some fun pancakes for the month of November? Reusable ketchup/mustard squirt bottles are the perfect tools to make the cutest turkey pancakes for your family. (I purchased a set of these bottles at the dollar store.) Use your favorite pancake batter recipe or cheat like me with a store-bought pancake mix. Prepare the pancake batter as directed.

Pour some batter into one of these squeeze bottles. This will help shape the feathers for your turkey. Reserve some batter to make round pancakes, too. (The round pancakes will be for the body of the turkey.)

Squirt some batter from the ketchup bottle directly onto your skillet. Make an oval shape or feather shape outline when you squirt. Fill in the outline with more batter. A measuring cup works well for easy pouring to make the round pancakes. Make some small round pancakes and some medium round pancakes. You will need one small and one medium pancake for each turkey you intend to make. I chose to do the feathers and the body separately because I thought the kids would like to dip the feathers in their syrup. (They did!)

Layer a small round pancake onto a medium round pancake for the body. Put a banana slice on the top round pancake for the head. Arrange the feather shaped pancakes above the body and head. Stick two pretzel sticks below the body to make the legs. I used mini chocolate chips for the eyes, walnut pieces for the beak, and a mini red M&M for the wattle.

Hope your family enjoys these turkey shaped pancakes!


  1. These are so cute! My kids would love these! I'm going to pin!

    1. Thanks for the repin...I know my kids got a kick out of them :)

  2. Awww those are adorable! Unfortunately I cannot cook a pancake to save my life (its embarrassing) but maybe my husband could do these! :)

    1. Thank you! Haha, that's why I cheat with my mix...hope your husband (or you) gives them a try :)

  3. This is seriously adorable. Pinning for sure.

  4. These are so cute for this time of year. Thanks for sharing it.

    Heidi’s Wanderings

  5. I want one right now! Unfortunatly, I can`t really bake pancakes...

    1. Haha, yeah, they taste as good as they look :)

  6. Hi Visiting from Family Fridy! These Turkey pancakes are so cute!

    1. Thanks for stopping by. Glad you liked them :)

  7. These are adorable!!!! My son would love these! Thanks for sharing on Family Fridays Link Up party at Livin The Mom Life!

  8. I have GOT to do this for my grandchildren. They requested pancakes last weekend when they spent the night!

  9. from where I can buy the syrup I look in so many stores but I couldnt find it


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