
Saturday, December 14, 2013

The Adventures of Elf on the Shelf (Week 2)

Another week has passed with our special houseguest. My family is loving this new tradition. This week we have found him in some fun places again, and one day he even showed us a bit of his naughty side.

Here is Elfie Scout during Week 2:

I know. Darn those night pictures with my camera phone...and the less creative nights when Elfie only flies to the top of our kitchen cabinets. Oh, well. The kids liked it ;)
The kids know better than to play on the laptop. But, maybe Elfie didn't get the memo. Or, maybe he was just trying to fix that old thing!
This is where Elfie showed his true colors. He tied up the bus driver and hijacked his bus.

The bus driver was tied up and his mouth was taped shut. I don't know about you, but I think Elfie Scout looks pretty proud of himself.
Restoring peace with a dinner party?
Elfie borrowed my son's rocket to fly to the North Pole.

Elfie Scout has gone fishing..for our pet fish.
After his long flight to the North Pole, our Elf on the Shelf needed a little midnight snack. Here is Elfie eating cereal in the pantry.
Only about 10 more days till we have to say good-bye to Elfie Scout. He sure is keeping the kids entertained. They can hardly contain their excitement each morning!


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