
Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Taco Soup

Happy New Year!! January 2014. I may have to write that a few hundred times before it sticks in my mind. I can't believe another year has passed. And, Christmas Day? I think it came and went way too quickly this year! At least we still have the rest of the winter season to enjoy. This means soups, chili, and comfort foods! I have a few favorite winter recipes, and this is one that I just had to share with you! It's super easy, delicious, and a sure crowd pleaser!

A co-worker gave this recipe to me when I was engaged to get married. I will love her forever for introducing me to this meal. The best part about making this soup is there are no fancy ingredients, and you don't have to slave over the stove all day! (But, it will taste like you did!)

Here is the super-simple recipe for Taco Soup.

Taco Soup


  • 1 can pinto beans
  • 1 can kidney beans
  • 1 can corn
  • 1 can Rotel
  • 1 can small black olives (sliced)
  • 1 can tomatoes (I use whole, peeled)
  • 1 lb. ground beef (browned and drained)
  • 1 package taco seasoning
  • 1 package (dry) Ranch dip mix
  • 1 cup water (more or less, depending on how soupy you want it)
  1. Combine all ingredients in a large pot.
  2. Bring to a boil.
  3. Turn heat down to low and allow it to simmer for 10-15 minutes.
  4. Serve in bowls. Top with shredded cheese, sour cream, cilantro, and/or any other desired toppings. Serve with tortilla chips.

I told you it was simple! I have doubled and tripled this recipe when I have served it for guests. This makes great leftovers, and it freezes well, too. 

Try it out, and let me know what you think! I hope it will be one that you add to your favorite recipes as well! 

1 comment:

  1. This soup would be a hit at our house! Pinned - Thanks for linking up to Freedom Fridays!


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